VW Ridiculing Technology "Fuel Cell" of Toyota

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VW Ridiculing Technology "Fuel Cell" of Toyota - Volkswagen AG continues to competing Toyota Motor Corporation in fulfilling his ambition to be the largest automaker in the world in 2018. Europe's biggest carmaker booed fuel cell technology initiated by stating that Toyota would be difficult to achieve success outside of Japan.

VW Ridiculing Technology "Fuel Cell" of Toyota

Shigeru Shoji, President of Volkswagen Group Japan, said Japanese government incentives issued, up to 3 million yen ($ 35.1 million) per hydrogen fuel cars, will be difficult to match by other countries in the world. Even in his home country, the process of filling of fuel (hydrogen) is not practical because they have to build the infrastructure takes time and huge costs.

"Maybe it will be a success in Japan, but not globally," said Shoji, Bloomberg reported on Monday (09/08/2014). Fuel cell technology can only be one instance "galapagos syndrome", making the Japanese company created a successful product in the country of origin only. Negative views Shoji has also been delivered to Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors Incorporated, some time ago.

In Japan, fuel cell vehicles (FCV) have the full support of the government. Creating a special way for the vehicle so it gets special treatment, as happened in the Toyota Prius hybrid technology.

"In order to survive, you need to generate a new product, the better. This is not just a nationalist," said Ha Pham, an analyst at Jefferies Group Incorporated in Tokyo.

still expensive
Dion Corbett, a Toyota spokesman in Tokyo said, tech vehicle fuel cell produces only water vapor as exhaust gas. Offering one of the best solutions to reduce carbon emissions in Japan. Regarding the statement Shigeru Shoji, Corbett did not want to comment.

"Technologies of fuel cell systems are still relatively expensive, so we need the support of a subsidy from the Japanese government. It is hard to imagine that the FCV will be a lot of driving in just two months," explained Corbett.

In June, Toyota said in addition to Japan, the company hopes to sell the vehicle FCV in Germany, California, and several cities in the eastern United States.

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